Mumbai gets 84% of July rain average in 8 days

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) saw heavy downpour on Monday morning, with three-digit rain figures being recorded within a span of three hours.

From July 1 to 8.30pm on July 8, Mumbai recorded 708.1mm rain, against the monthly average of 840.7mm, which means the city has received 84% of its July average rainfall within eight days. A large quantum of this rain was received between July 1 and 2, when 375.2mm rain was recorded over 24 hours, highest in 14 years and second highest in 45 years. The city has, so far, received 58% of its seasonal rain. “Visibility between 8am and 9am was less than 500m on Monday, which is not suitable for flight operations,” said Sunil Kamble, scientist, India Meteorological Department (IMD).

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