List of MCGM Garden & Tree Department Contractors & their Rates

The City of Mumbai has 24 Municipal Wards and each Ward has a Garden and Tree Department. The Garden and Trees Department is an Administrative Department that issues various Permits in consultation and advice from other technical advisory departments like Fire Brigade, the Maintenance, and the Engineering Department etc.

To ensure a Green Mumbai is the prime focus of the Garden and Tree Department of each Ward. To carry out certain works, this department also hires contractors who plants and/or removes plants and trees around the city in their respective Wards. Citizens/ Cooperative Housing Societies can also hire these contractors and pay directly to them for work carried out in their premises.

The following is a list of jobs carried out by the hired contractors:

a)      Balancing of trees (whilst trimming the tree)

b)      Removal (REM) of trees

c)      Spraying pesticides

d)     Transplanting (TRNPLT) trees  


To view the list of contractors approved for each ward with their rates, click here.

To read our article on “How to Get a Tree Trimmed?”, click here.


Source: This information was obtained from the MCGM



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