This section contains information on different topics that you have to deal with in your home or your neighbourhood every day. Issues like waste management, segregation, mosquitoes, water matters, greening your locality, and the various civic services of the Municipal Corporation (MCGM) are included here, as well as information about the Advance Locality Management (ALMs) concept that is of neighbourhood welfare groups supported by the MCGM.

What is an ALM?

In the year 1998, the citizens of Joshi lane at Ghatkopar were fed up with their lane which was covered with garbage and filth that attracted rodents and other unwanted parasites. They decided to make a Change. They partnered with …


How to Start an ALM in your Area!

An ALM is often considered to be the best way for concerned citizens to get together and work for the betterment of their neighbourhoods and localities. Due to the fact that they are registered with, and are therefore recognised by, …


Simple Steps to Segregate Your Waste

Today, mankind has reached quite a predicament, as modern technology has not only made our lives easier, but it has created a significant problem that will define the fate of our cities. The pollution of air and water and the …


Dealing with the Mosquito Menace as an ALM

The citizens of Mumbai have suffered due to mosquito borne diseases for the longest time. In recent times, such cases have been escalating. Instances of both types of Malaria, and Dengue now seem to have become rampant, no matter in …

What You Need to Know About Mosquito Fogging

As we, the citizens of Mumbai take necessary steps towards safeguarding ourselves, our homes and our neighbourhoods, it is heart-warming to know that the MCGM is playing its part in order to create a mosquito free environment. The most popular …

Controlling Flies

Flies are the most common and most familiar of all insects which in close association with man and occur throughout the year abundantly. Flies should be regarded as a sign of a lack of sanitation and their numbers as an …


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