COVID-19, a highly infectious disease, has marked its presence in nearly all countries of the world. People across the globe are facing the same challenges irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, creed, geographical location, young and old, etc. to overcome the challenge.

Tweet Chat 03 – Q & A – Tuesday, 26th May 2020

To see and download the creatives of the Q&As Click here The text version of the Q&As are below Q1: Do adults have to take “annual” or periodic vacinations? If, yes, which ones are these? #AskHealthspring @TheHealthSpring A1: There are …

Tweet Chat 02 – Q & A – Monday, 18th May 2020

To see and download the creatives of the Q&As Click here The text version of the Q&As are below Q1: Have seen people using disposable gloves and then applying hand sanitizer on to the gloves. Is this right? @Together_VCAN @TheHealthspring …

Tweet Chat 01 – Q & A – Tuesday, 5 th May 2020

Q1: What medicines should we keep handy in case we feel we are affected or suspect being infected? Are there any over-the-counter drugs that can help preliminarily A1: OTC meds Paracetamol & Cetrizine are useful to treat initial symptoms. Most …