Our Vision and Mission
For many of us, there is a doubt about what we can accomplish as individuals. “What difference can I as one person make?”
At VCAN, we firmly believe that all of us have strengths and capabilities within us – the challenge is for us to recognise them.
Our vision is to provide a platform for people to come together and get involved in addressing issues that are of public concern and help them find implementable and sustainable solutions.
Knowledge is the most powerful weapon to solve the pressing challenges of today. We at V Citizens Action Network (VCAN) have made it our mission to spread awareness amongst the citizens about their rights and responsibilities.
With this portal, we provide information about how to keep our homes and neighbourhoods safe and secure, how to lead healthy lives, how to be an aware voter, ways to become smarter and safer citizens, and how to deal with the various government agencies that affect our daily lives.
Content on this portal includes articles, videos, interviews and a substantial amount of useful and valuable information contributed by our talented team of writers and esteemed panel of experts from diverse fields.
As every tiny drop makes the ocean, we as a society can work together to recognise issues and fix problems, no matter how small they may seem.
VCAN firmly believes that “Women are the Best Agents for Change” and that it is most essential to arm them in every way possible. Through VCAN, every woman can acquaint herself with knowledge and “Lead the Change”.
The Power to Change, and Build Better Lives, begins with the actions of one individual. Our belief is that us solving peoples’ problems is less effective than providing them the tools to solve it for themselves. Our philosophy behind this portal is to provide a platform to all and the belief to build better lives – I Can, You Can and Together VCAN!