ICE: In Case of Emergency


ICE is the abbreviation of the term ‘In Case of Emergency’. Most people do not carry the details of their next of kin with them and in case of an emergency, first responders wouldn’t know who to contact. Rescue workers, good Samaritans, and medical staff often spend a long time trying to get in touch with the families and next of kin of victims when they are taken to a hospital in an emergency.


Similarly, relatives of victims often spend a long time trying to track down their loved ones, which causes a great deal of anxiety, distress, and panic for the family members.


It is therefore important that everyone carries their emergency contact details at all times.


With India having one of the world’s largest mobile phone user bases, mobile phones are the best place to store these details. By using a standard, easy to remember format of entry like ICE, we can ensure that it is useful during an emergency.


Following the London bombings in 2005, the emergency staff, media and government in the UK launched a similar public awareness campaign to promote the ICE concept which subsequently successfully spread to the USA as well.


So remember, the best way to avoid uncertainty and confusion is to save your emergency contact number under the name ICE, on your mobile phone.



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